FAQ 6: Metabolic Therapy after Surgery and Chemo-Rad?

“I had surgery, and chemo and radiation thereafter. Can I still do natural metabolic therapy?”

Metabolic therapy is not counter-productive to orthodox therapy. As a matter of fact, I consider it a valuable adjunct to the success of chemo/rad, and even to surgery. One must understand that the tumor is not the disease – that it is just a symptom of a cancer gone malignant.  “The clinical problem in treating a cancer victim is clearing the body of accumulated toxins.” Though surgery removes the tumor, chemo/rad, which is formulated to target actively dividing cells, leaves a slew of dead cells the accumulation of which, if left unmanaged, may cause toxemia and eventual death. “Many cancer victims have had their tumors successfully treated only to die of toxic poisoning…” [Dr. Kelley One Answer to Cancer 1974, page 16)

It is the change in life-style, comprehensive nutritional supplementation, and the long and laborious period of detoxification (which can take from 3 to 12 months), that will weave its healing effects on the ravaged and weakened body.

Dr. Kelley contends that “prognosis for a cancer victim is very good when the kidney and lung functions are at least 50% of normal, and an optimistic spiritual attitude is maintained.” And that “the rate of recovery is subject to another law – that of blood supply. If the rate of blood supply to an area is great, recovery is fast. If the blood supply to an area is inadequate, recovery is very slow. Thus, we find that those with Hodgkin’s Disease respond quickly, while those with brain or bone afflictions have a much slower response” [17]

A word of caution: “Aperson who has had cancer will always be susceptible and must keep constant vigilance. If at any time the free active pancreatic enzymes in the body falls below the amount that is necessary to keep the cancer cells digested, malignancy will always re-develop. Many people make the false assumption that just because their test comes in negative, they are free from cancer for life. This mistaken attitude has shortened the life of many.”